Create a community with Timebanking

13 Mar

I recently came across an article on a timebank in Lousville that, once I got past the difficult-to-read font, was heartwarming. The idea of this group of 30 random individuals coming together to share what they can do with eachother and begin creating the threads of a community is very cool (here is the original article).

So I went ahead and did a little research. Timebanking essentially builds on the principle that everyone has something to give. By putting a group of people together and each offering their skills, everyone can get something they need for something they easily can do and build relationships in the process.

For instance, one invidual may be a great handyman, but have no idea how to fix a computer. In that group, there could be someone in need of some handiwork and someone who is good at and enjoys fixing computers. If enough skills match up, everyone can win.

While writing this, I’m not really sure how well this will work in real life…where there be one person who accepts help from many without giving back? Or individuals with skills that no one needs? How does the group fabric stay positive and continue to grow over time? I really have no idea, but it does appeal to me.

It also seems that a personal concierge could benefit so many individuals in the group that it would be a challenge to not be taken advantage of. 

If this is of interest to you, check out and you can create a timebank or likely find timebanks in your area. I also wouldn’t be surprised if some timebanks popped up on MeetUp.

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